Bereaved Parents of
Wake Forest and Youngsville
Working through grief and building relationships
Tell your story and find hope again
The Bereaved Parents of Wake Forest and Youngsville Groups are open to parents, grandparents (and siblings) who have lost a child or grandchild. The groups are open to any type of death, any age group, and is not limited to parents. Both groups are facilitated by a trained individual who has also navigated the journey of grief and has a personal connection to the loss of a child. The groups are an open-share environment that provides strategies to handle the loss of a loved one and creates a safe venue for everyone to be heard and express their pain during a profound loss. The end goal of each group is to learn what works for you when it comes to coping with loss/grief and better understanding how to continue your new life without your child.

Group Location
Wake Forest
The Bereaved Parents of Wake Forest group meets on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 – 8:30 pm in North Raleigh United Methodist Church Room S1 (follow signs to office).
North Raleigh United Methodist Church Youth Center
8501 Honeycutt Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Raleigh / Youngsville
The Bereaved Parents of Youngsville group no longer meets, please refer to other locations and groups we offer monthly at various locations and times.
North Raleigh United Methodist Church – First and Third Thursdays 7pm-8:30pm
Soapstone United Methodist Church – Second Wednesday 6-7pm
Wake Forest United Methodist Church – Second Thursday 7pm-8:30pm
Contact Us